People Shopping At A Farmers Market. Fresh Produce At The Local Farmers Market.
Rothwell Market House

Welcome to Rothwell

The ridge on which present day Rothwell stands, overlooking the gentle Slade Valley, has witnessed the comings and goings of successive generations. By the Middle Ages, Rothwell or “Rowell” as it is known locally, was already a town of importance, dominating the then lesser settlement of Kettering (a state of affairs which persisted until the arrival of the railway at the latter).

A charter, granted by King John in AD 1204 permitting a weekly market and annual fair, confirmed the trade. Both market and fair, called “Rowell Fair”, takes place on Market Hill during the week following Trinity Sunday. The Fair is a very festive occasion with stalls and entertainment attracting visitors from far and wide. Early risers can hear the traditional Proclamation read by the Town’s Bailiff at 6.00am outside Holy Trinity Church on Trinity Monday.

Today, Rothwell is a bustling town of character with some 8,500 inhabitants. There are many active societies and clubs, a community centre and community library. Concerts are held from time to time in Holy Trinity Church, when audiences are entertained by a variety of musical talents and the church’s renowned acoustics come into their own.

Forthcoming meetings

Extraordinary Meeting Town Council
Market House, Market Square, Rothwell, 7pm
for the purposes of discussing the 25/26 budget
Full Council
Market House, Market Square, Rothwell, 7pm

Clerk: Mrs Jo Garner, Market House, Market Hill, Rothwell, Northamptonshire, NN14 6BW
Tel: 01536 713252  Email: [email protected]